After ten years in the bar prep industry, Themis remains the only company to publish comprehensive, transparent, and trustworthy pass-rate data. If you have yet to check out our pass-rate information, you can find the numbers here. Themis calculates pass rates because we value transparency and student success, and to prove to students that our methodology works. In this post, we want to give you a chance to understand how we get the data for our pass rates and what that data means.
Rebecca Petrilli
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Trust, Transparency, Results: The How and Why of Themis Pass Rates
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2L/3L Life: 10 Preach-Free Pieces of Advice for Almost Lawyers
It’s a new school year and the semester is now in full swing. You survived a summer job or internship and are getting back to basics: reading cases, trying to avoid getting called on in class, and wondering how you’ll make it out of law school alive. As you navigate through this semester and beyond, it’s important to think about what you want to accomplish this year. What do you hope to achieve? What plans are you making for the future?
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